It is possible to view this online workshop later on at a time of your choice. By simply ordering this workshop. I will then receive a notification and send you an email with:
– the link to plus
– the photograph used.
– Possibly instructions to follow the workshop in your own language.
What do you need?
– Pastelcard from Sennelier 30×30 cm dark brown.
– A good start is 30 half crayons from Rembrandt ‘General Selection.
– Charcoal 1 piece
– A number of soft yellow crayons from e.g. Sennelier or Schmincke.
– If possible fixative (e.g. pastel fibre from Talens).
– A cloth, or a piece of kitchen paper
– A smooth surface.
Do it with what you have. If you don’t have exactly the same colours or the same paper, don’t care, make your own drawing with the material you have available. I don’t want to oblige anyone to buy material. Do what you feel comfortable with.
Subtitle in your own language:
If I see that you come from a country other than the Netherlands, I will also send you the instruction to have the workshop directly subtitled in your own language.